無諍之理 林鈺堂 認清證覺在歸真,是否純淨無從計; 跋 佛法所教示之目標,只是使眾生回復本具之純淨。至於心地是否己臻純真,並不可能由舉止動靜來衡量。明乎此理,則發乎純正菩提心,只有希望一切眾生皆早得證覺的祝願,而沒有其他的評論或計較,因此諍論無從生起。
Not to Be Self-limited ----- Original Message ----- All requested poems in the attached file, from Yenhung, that I want
to write in calligraphy had been given a calligraphy.
Yutang From: Yenhung 敬愛的 師尊: 在 師尊眾多詩篇中,我們選了以下十五篇。
學生衍宏合十頂禮 Why No Arguing Yutang Lin Recognizing clearly that awakening is resuming purity, Comment: The goal as taught by Buddhist teachings is simply for each and every sentient being to resume original purity. As to the degree of purity of mind it is impossible to be measured by the appearance or absence of behaviors or thoughts. When this is clearly understood, out of pure Bodhicitta there could only arise the well-wishing that all sentient beings would sooner attain enlightenment, but without any other elements such as criticism or comparison. Therefore, arguing would not arise.
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