大而無外方圓滿,逆向同前只速遲; 跋 法界廣大,包含一切而無外乎此者,故稱圓滿。一般學佛,有正道、邪途之分。由法界整體觀之,則背道而馳亦是將來苦極轉求解脫之因,故惟有覺醒遲速之別,而無非佛道。法界整體,生生不息,因緣相依而共成,並無唯一之主宰。法界之中,時空無有分割,雖有隱現之差異,實則一體融通,無有阻隔。
----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Jung Feng below I had done two more poems in calligraphy. All related files attached. Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: Charles Dear Guru,
These two poems help me to further comprehend limitless oneness. Jung-Feng Viewing in Great Perfection Yutang Lin Perfect only when encompassing all without exception. Comment: Dharmadhatu is so broad that it encompasses everything without exception; hence it is called Great Perfection. Ordinarily, Buddhist teachings distinguish right paths from devious ones. From the all-encompassing view of Dharmadhatu, even devious paths leading to suffering are causes that would eventually compel one to seek the path of liberation. Therefore, there is only the difference in how soon one would attain enlightenment but no absolutely non-liberating paths. Dharmadhatu as a whole is ever evolving; all things are interdependent and connected causally. Hence there is no dominant factor above all else. In Dharmadhatu time and space are continuous; even though there is the distinction of being present or absent, in fact all are in oneness without any barrier.
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