良藥苦口難下嚥,糖衣毒藥吃不饜; 近日正英譯《供養讚頌集》,見密乘頌詞中頗多易遭不明究裏者誤解處,因思及「苦口」之成語二則,而擬就此篇。 執著表相、定見而不解離纏活用者,雖曰學佛卻往往反為佛法名相所拘,哀哉!智慧之高下、淺深實難移易。誠摯之學佛者當虛懷以期長進! 二○○五年八月十六日
----- Original Message ----- Calligraphy and original works attached. All requested poems in the attached request file, Zui Ji Ai De Shi Fo, had been taken care of. Attain Enlightenment Soon! 最敬愛的師佛﹐ F0715深寂、F0233深心結緣、F0981真情、F1044欲休還語、F1112靜、F1137稍縱即逝、F1165苦口、F1175揀擇。 F1165 苦口 良藥苦口難下嚥,糖衣毒藥吃不饜; 任誰都知道良藥苦口﹐忠言逆耳這兩句成語。三歲小兒都知道的事﹐八十老翁仍不一定做得到;這個世界上﹐往往口蜜腹劍的小人每每得逞﹐苦口婆心的勸喻也老令人討厭﹐是該怪眾生的愚昧還是無知﹖人人都愛聽好話﹐人人也都愛蜜糖﹐難怪老外總是蜜糖、蜜糖的叫﹐如果真是這麼的甜蜜﹐為什麼問題永遠出在那個叫蜜糖的人的身上﹖ 弟子綿延 頂禮 Bitter to Mouth Yutang Lin Effective medicine bitter to mouth and difficult to swallow, Comment: Recently I have been translating the Chinese book that I compiled, "Collection of Praises for Offering Dates," into English. I noticed that among the Tantric praises there are many expressions that could readily be misunderstood by people who do not comprehend the significance of the Tantric path. Thereupon I thought of two Chinese idioms related to "bitter to mouth" or "mouth of bitter words" (in Chinese it is the same expression Ku Kou), and then composed this poem based on them. Those who grasp to appearance, formality and fixed views without comprehension of lively applications free from entanglements, even though they are said to be learning to become enlightened, would often become bound by terminology and formality of Buddhist teachings. What a pity! The level and depth of one's wisdom is indeed very difficult to elevate or change. Sincere and dedicated practitioners should maintain a humble attitude so as to look forward to growth and advancement in wisdom. Written in Chinese and translated on August 16, 2005 [Home][Back to list][Bitter to Mouth] |