真愛難常聚,怨敵每共處;人生少如意,看開易安渡。執相唯添惱,智深超格局;發揚大慈悲,不受境遇拘。見高行難及,踏實修平易;常推己及人,每捨己從人。人生誠短暫,智悲長流傳;若能體此意,真情永不朽。 二○○四年四月十九日
----- Original Message ----- Calligraphy and original works attached. All requested poems in the attached request file, Zui Ji Ai
De Shi Fo, had been taken care of. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang 最敬愛的師佛﹐ F0715深寂、F0233深心結緣、F0981真情、F1044欲休還語、F1112靜、F1137稍縱即逝、F1165苦口、F1175揀擇。 F0981 真情真愛難常聚,怨敵每共處;人生少如意,看開易安渡。執相唯添惱,智深超格局;發揚大慈悲,不受境遇拘。見高行難及,踏實修平易;常推己及人,每捨己從人。人生誠短暫,智悲長流傳;若能體此意,真情永不朽。 多少時候﹐我們時時刻刻真心掛記著眾生﹖「同體大悲」大概除了真正有大悲心的人﹐是無法做到的。人生不如意十之八九﹐常常不是憤世嫉俗就是唉嘆上天的不公﹐捨己從人的人能有幾個﹖或者有心﹐可是當真正與自己利益相衝突之時﹐馬上忘了當初的誓言。人﹐真的善忘﹖而師佛的真情又豈止能用海水斗量﹖ 弟子綿延 頂禮 Sincere Intentions Yutang Lin Genuine loved ones could hardly stay together often, while antagonizing foes oftentimes would remain bound together. In human lives wish-fulfilled cases are scarce; looking far and wide would make it easier to traverse life safely. Grasping to appearances would only add to sorrows; profound wisdom transcends framed situations. Propagating the ways of great compassion, one is no longer constrained by circumstances current. High ideals are difficult to attain in practices; remain solid by adopting the simple and easy practices. Constantly try to empathize with others as if one were in their shoes, and time and again renounce one's preference to suit others' interests. Human lives are indeed brief and transient, and yet wisdom and compassion could long spread and continue. If one could comprehend the significance of this, sincere intentions would forever prevail. Written in Chinese on April 19, 2004 [Home][Back to list][Sincere Intentions] |