深心結緣 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體香光薰染難值遇,萍水偶逢佛露沾; 跋 追隨陳師之行願,以說法、出書、超渡、放生、火供、獻瓶等法務與大眾結緣,已將近二十年。眾生能信受、供施而蒙佛法之利益,實是頗為難得之機緣。各人之宿業如何,將來之果報又如何,非吾人所能計議。但願結此等法緣之後,眾生能不離佛法正道,漸漸深入,而究竟達到徹底解脫。蓮師之「緣俱義利」教示,此之謂歟! 二○○○年四月八日
Associating with Deep Intentions ----- Original Message ----- Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang 最敬愛的師佛﹐ F0715深寂、F0233深心結緣、F0981真情、F1044欲休還語、F1112靜、F1137稍縱即逝、F1165苦口、F1175揀擇。 F0233 深心結緣 香光薰染難值遇,萍水偶逢佛露沾; 弟子綿延 頂禮 Associating with Deep Intentions Yutang LinPerfumed with purity is rare occasion indeed, Comment: Following the Bodhi path as walked by Guru Chen I have been in Dharma association with many sentient beings through lectures, publications, Powa services, releasing lives, fire pujas and Dragon vase offerings for nearly two decades. It is indeed a rare occasion for sentient beings to open up and receive the teachings, and to engage in the Dharma activities. It goes beyond our comprehension as to what past karmas and what karmic consequences are for the sentient beings that we come across. Nevertheless, our Dharma activities are conducted with the deep wish that, once the Dharma connection is established, the sentient beings we have served will never deviate from the right path and will gradually proceed further on the Dharma path until they reach ultimate liberation. Thus we are carrying out the teaching of Padmasambhava that whoever comes into contact will be benefited accordingly. Written in Chinese and translated on April 8, 2000 [Home][Back to list][Associating with Deep Intentions] |