因緣錯綜非一端,此理未明責對方; 跋 一切現象皆由種種因緣相依而共生所成。佛法教示無我,即在指出萬象中實無有任一因素是獨立不變的主宰。若不明無我之理,即易於種種因緣中妄認某些為肇始之因。若能虛心清明以觀全局,便可徹見種種因素互為因緣,相依共存,而無從偏責一方。 學佛者明乎此理,遇事即不責怪任何一方,而了解事情之演變只是由於「因緣如此」而已。如此一來,便易從計較、責怪的心態中解脫出來,而時常致力於培養成佛的因緣。 二○○五年三月廿一日
----- Original Message ----- Both calligraphy and original works files are attached. Yutang From: Yenhung 敬愛的 師尊: 在 師尊眾多詩篇中,我們選了以下十五篇。
學生衍宏合十頂禮 Following Causal Courses Yutang Lin Causal conditions are multiple and complicated, never a one-sided issue. Comment: All phenomena are results of co-emergence of mutually dependent causal conditions that are multiple and complicated. The Dharma teaching on No Self aims at pointing out that among all phenomena there is indeed no one single element that is an independently unchanging element of ultimate dominance. While this truth of No Self is not comprehended one would readily but deludedly recognize some element among the causal conditions as the original cause. If one could maintain an open mind that is clear and free from prejudices in observing the whole situation, then one would see that all sorts of causal conditions are mutually dependent as causal elements and as components of their co-emergence. Hence, there is no way to put any blame on any one particular element or factor. A Buddhist, having comprehended this view, would not blame any side in matters arising, but understand that the evolution of situations is simply a matter of following causal courses. Thus, one could easily escape from the mentality of haggling with and blaming on others, and instead would constantly apply efforts toward cultivation of causal conditions leading to enlightenment. Written in Chinese on March 21, 2005 [Home][Back to list][Following Causal Courses] |