似一葉飄流, 二○○七年三月一日
----- Original Message ----- Dearest Guru, 弟子敬請上師手書〈憫執〉的詩句(File No.F1366),以便弟子可以放在「我讀〈憫執〉」的文章內,及收錄在《藥師佛法露》書中。謝謝。
法安 弟子惟欽 頂禮 ----- Original Message ----- From: Yutang Lin To: Dharma Friends Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 11:50 PM Subject: FW: As I read "Pity for Attachment" on my recent poem Pity for Attachment. I revised two words in his essay. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: juikhin yeo 尊貴的上師, 我讀〈憫執〉古晉‧楊惟欽讀到林鈺堂上師於三月一日所寫之新作〈憫執〉,不禁深深的喜歡它。 雖然〈憫執〉只是短短的四行文句,但卻道盡了多少的真理於裡頭,叫我獲益不淺。 林上師在〈憫執〉中,寫道:
讀著〈憫執〉,心裡頭也有好多的感觸!從中也可體會到上師之悲憫心。 〈憫執〉不只是比喻我們眾生對於世間一切事物的執著,及不能放下;也比喻我們一直沉陷於生死輪迴的苦海中,無法出離。不肯為修行覺悟而努力,卻終日只為切身俗務、私利而繁忙。 其實對於世事,若能退一步,便能海闊天空,任人遨遊。何苦彼此爭奪不休,到頭來,卻只有業隨身。奈何眾生只貪戀著眼前短暫的欲樂,無法捨離,而不曉得去追求永恆、清淨的法樂。 於是,在生活上,多一點的開闊,少一點的執著,便可讓我們活得更快樂、愜意、自在、安心了。 因此,若能契悟「開闊」及「無執」的真理,並於日常生活中去體驗,就能逐漸趨向本來清淨的境界。 二○○七年三月六日 ----- Original Message ----- Do you know why you were moved by my work Min Zhi, Pity for
Attachment? Because it was a real feeling I had when I observed people bothered by
trivial matters without realizing how fleeting life is, and
the words in English, "a floating leaf, why linger here?" naturally came
up in my mind. So this is what I meant when I said, "write only when you have real feelings." And I don't worry about its being short or long or anything. This email is Bcc to all on my list so all can share this. Yutang Pity for Attachment Yutang Lin A floating leaf, March 1, 2007 Disciple Jui Khin wrote a short article in Chinese reflecting [Home][Back to list][Pity for Attachment] |