過去心不可得;計較心不見了! 小跋 《金剛經》之三心不可得,法眼明徹,直指本淨。修習佛法,年久功深,可漸達後三心之消逝。前後際斷,當下不著於相,則萬法一體圓融。密法之大圓滿即由此果德而垂教示! 一九九五年八月二日
Great Perfection in the Diamond Sutra ----- Original Message ----- They are attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! 最敬愛的師佛, 弟子再請師佛的墨寶,「世界最高阿彌陀佛像禮讚」及其他的詩作。 X0003 天空與海洋、F1015 淋浴堂、F0909 心晴、F0898 淡淡、F0880 海葬、F0404 圓融無量、F0376 過客、F0385 字面化身、F0699 心事、F0555 點撥、F0437 莫愁、F0453 萍水、F0836 任流、F0726 任輕狂、F0015 《金剛經》之大圓滿、F0005 從死學生。 弟子綿延 頂禮 Great Perfection in the Diamond Sutra Yutang Lin Mind in the past is unattainable; Comment: In the Diamond Sutra, it is taught that the three minds of past, present and future are unattainable. Seeing through clear Dharma eye, it points directly to the original purity. Having practiced the Dharma for years and accumulated depth and strength in wisdom and compassion, it is possible to gradually attain the fading away of the latter three minds of haggling, expecting and grasping. The boundary of past and future diminished, at the instant not confined by forms, then all things are in the oneness of a harmonious totality. The Great Perfection as taught in Vajrayana is revealed from such attainment. Written in Chinese: August 2, 1995 [Home][Back to list][Great Perfection in the Diamond Sutra][Related works: 大圓滿、大圓滿觀、大圓滿見、離相大圓滿、普賢大圓滿、普賢大圓滿偈] |