古德修悲祈通智,觀音經板文殊接; 跋 今年陳上師示寂十三週年之文殊火供,曾有祥光閃爍之瑞應,已有詩〈祥光屢現〉誌之。昨日佛友來訪,出示當日照片,在火壇上方有觀音菩薩之形象出現。陳師曾示,古德修悲多年,欲通空智,將觀音經板上擲,以求將來得証之瑞應,蒙文殊示現接住,以示智悲無二。今於文殊火壇示現觀音,更顯本來融通之義。其中奧義,尤有進者﹕由智運悲而行救渡,三十二應普濟群生,方是智悲澈底之通融。
Oneness of Wisdom and Compassion ----- Original Message ----- Disciple Hong Fu spent 3 days to write up the request attached for these two
poems. I like this kind of request, not because she spent such a long time,
but because she expressed how these poems enlightened her and helped her.
Thereby the significance of these poems to her was made very clear, and
readers may benefit from her experiences. All related files are attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang 敬愛的師尊: 弟子於一九九七年讀了「勸念佛」,蒙曾老師引薦,第一次向 師尊請法,師尊告以須對所有眾生都慈悲,當時不甚明瞭。 師尊於二○○○年十月所造詩偈〈六字大明〉,跋中教示「以六音分別代表大悲及於六道之所有眾生。自心隨之而開展及於全法界,得以回歸本來清淨。再由本淨自然發起渡生之萬行,於持誦之際觀想:六道皆蒙喚醒,離於迷妄,而同證本淨,融入無限之一體」。弟子始恍然大悟。 二○○一年,弟子有機緣開始持修觀音法門,平日以六字大明咒用功,故而敬謹提請師尊慈賜墨寶〈六字大明〉。
再者, 師尊圓滿了陳上師的〈淨土五經會通〉演講,弟子恭閱完畢,立即索閱所剩無幾的《陳上師淨土五經會通演講筆錄》;後來閱讀《觀音法門》,翻開第一頁,即見文殊火供示現之觀音聖像,非常歡喜,於今思之,正符師尊於二○○六年,應吳榮利師兄之請而造之〈法脈皈依境啟請頌〉:「本來清淨陳祖師 ,金剛蓮華林上師;文殊觀音正法脈,智悲融通傳十方。」特此恭請師尊再書〈智悲無二〉一詩偈。
弟子尚有一不情之請,二○○五年,弟子蒙師尊恩賜與「岫慧」相得益彰之名「虹福」,因此擬以「岫慧」提請師尊慈賜墨寶〈六字大明〉。以「虹福」之名提請師尊慈賜墨寶〈智悲無二〉,若無不妥,萬分祈盼師尊見允! 敬頌
Oneness of Wisdom and Compassion Yutang Lin An ancient sage practiced compassion to attain wisdom. Comment: This year we had the 13th memorial of Yogi Chen commemorated by a fire puja to Manjusri. During that fire ceremony there were auspicious flashing lights miraculously appearing for several times. A poem entitled "Lights Auspicious Flashing" was composed to record it. Yesterday Buddhist friends came to visit and showed photos taken then. In one photo, right above the flame that raised upwards, there appeared a clear image of a sitting Guan Yin. Yogi Chen taught that, there was an ancient sage who practiced compassion for many years in order to comprehend wisdom. One day this practitioner threw a printing block of Avalokitesvara's sutra up in the air, with the prayer that if he would eventually realize wisdom then this block would not come down. Immediately Manjusri appeared and received the sutra block. Manjusri comforted him by saying that he would eventually achieve his goal. This incident served to reassure the teaching that wisdom and compassion are inseparable. Now, during this fire puja to Manjusri, Guan Yin appeared to give blessing. This incident further illustrated the teaching that wisdom and compassion are originally in oneness. Furthermore, there is a even deeper meaning: Based on wisdom to carry out compassionate salvation activities, using suitable means to help all sorts of beings as Avalokitesvara is known to do, only then is the ultimate unity of wisdom and compassion.
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