祥光屢現 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 霖降火壇供文殊,明亮焰舞若矯龍; 跋 昨日紀念陳上師示寂十三週年。於獻瓶、放生之後,上山行文殊火供。甘霖不斷降落,而火勢明旺,向上方及四周躍出,飛舞若矯龍。雖有一位佛友拍照,而有閃光燈之閃亮。但在相機完全沒有使用的時際,仍有七、八次同樣的閃光在火壇平台上出現,每次皆有一至四人目睹(在場共七位)。當天全無閃電及雷聲,足徵此乃不可思議之祥光瑞應。特為之記。 二○○○年十一月十四日 Lights Auspicious Flashing Yutang Lin Nectar falling on the fire altar while Manjusri worshipped; Comment: Yesterday was the thirteenth Memorial Day of Yogi Chen. After offering vases and releasing lives at sea, we went up to the mountain to perform a fire puja to Manjusri, the great Bodhisattva. Rain was constantly falling on the fire altar. Nevertheless, bright and vigorous flames kept pouring out upwards and in all directions. As I looked on for a while, the flames moved about and shaped like dragons dancing. There was one Buddhist with a camera, and hence some flash lights. However, while that camera was not in use, there were seven or eight instances of lights flashing on the platform near the fire altar. Each instance was witnessed by one to four of the seven persons present. That day was completely without thunders or lightening. There was no apparent reason for those flashing lights, as bright as the flashlight of a camera. I believe that those were miraculous inspirations from Manjusri. Therefore, I am writing this record. Written in Chinese and translated on November 14, 2000
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