跋 心中計較,煩擾不休,皆因執著「人相」。實際上,人人之思想、愛好、言行,皆隨時局之流轉而潛移默變,並無一定之「人相」可尋。體會此理,則心中原來執有之「人相」即如冰遇日而消融。一般人各有定見,並且易落於全是全非的二分想法,因此往往產生對立與衝突。其實,世間萬象繽紛,不同的色調皆隨著因緣的聚散而顯隱不已。不固執一種見解為是,而容許不同的想法與標準,才能和平共處。
Where to Apply Efforts ----- Original Message ----- As requested by some disciples two old poems are now in calligraphy. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang Rigid Concepts and Views Yutang Lin As time and tide flow thoughts and activities vary. Comment: Constant criticism and incessant disturbance of mind is often due to grasping of a fixed image of others. In reality each person's thoughts, inclinations and behavior are unnoticeably evolving with the flow of time and tide. Consequently there is no definite and fixed personality to be found. Realizing this subtle point could help melt away the image of others long grasped in one's mind just as ice would melt in the sun. Ordinarily, people have their fixed views, and would easily fall into the dichotomy of completely right or completely wrong. Therefore, conflicts and antagonism are in abundance. Phenomena are rich in colors and shades; all kinds of varieties are constantly in becoming apparent or obscure in accordance with the gathering and dispersing of conditions. Not grasping to only certain view as the correct one but be open to different thoughts and standards, only then could people get along in peace.
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