佛法圓融在起居,舉止應對也尋常; 跋 佛法之修學終歸日常生活中,因為其目的是使眾生由心地、見解的桎梏中解脫出來,回復純真而得以活潑地發揮生命的潛能。光靠文字或短暫的晤談,是難以體會的;有時反而引生更多知見上的困惑。因此,真正要得益,需要常隨著良師,在日常生活中自然地授受,一點一滴地吸收。經過長久的薰陶,以及自己的真誠、勤奮,才會塑成法器的雛形。 至於是否只能追隨一位上師,以及為師者可否限制弟子只准修學其法,就一時專精而言,則無妨如此方便設施。就長遠整體而論,則任何限制皆是執著。行者的目標是徹底解脫,只要能對此目的有所增益,正宜多方參學,不達解脫不休。 二○○○年七月十六日
----- Original Message ----- Six files containing the calligraphy and their originals are attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang 南無金剛蓮華佛! 上師的開示聖詩每一首都非常的殊勝透徹,具足圓滿的智悲,每一首弟子都非常喜歡,愛不釋手。今天再次拜讀,感覺首首皆是稱佛本懷,暢佛欲言,實在是稀有珍貴,法門至寶!弟子一時控制不住,又選了許多詩句,期望 師佛能在百忙之中再施神來妙筆,楊枝淨水,遍灑三千。所呈聖詩很多,師佛如果不能一一賜下,還請悲憫群生急盼甘霖浸潤心田故,儘量見賜墨寶聖跡!弟子貪心,萬祈寬恕! 法脈皈依境啟請頌、祈祐偈、陳上師啟請短頌、啟請陳師早誕頌、事師九心、沐恩者稀、依師之道、常隨修學、點撥、自願皈從、體會師恩、皈依上師、百依百順、韋馱菩薩往昔修因文 弟子大開獅口,再次請求 師佛慈憫原諒! 衷心祝禱 師佛佛母及諸佛子佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!!! 皈依弟子智宣恭敬頂禮頓首百拜 Learning through Attendance Yutang Lin Realization of Dharma permeates daily life; Comments: Learning and practicing the Dharma would eventually become one with the daily life. This is due to the fact that the goal of the Buddhist teachings is to emancipate sentient beings from the cage of their mentality and views so that they would return to original purity and become able to lively develop their full potentials. Depending only on words or occasional contacts it would be difficult to gain real understanding of the essence of the Dharma; sometimes such approaches would even lead to further confusion in thoughts. Therefore, in order to gain real benefits from an experienced practitioner one should remain in constant attendance for a long period of time. In this way many situations and questions would arise naturally in daily life, and the student would have a chance to observe and learn the responses and answers. Through years of such on-hand learning and diligent practice and service the student would be transformed into a Dharma instrument. As to the question of whether one could follow only one Guru, and the question of whether a teacher could restrict students to learn only approved material, if the restrictions are meant for only a certain period to improve concentration of study, then such temporary regulations are understandable. From the standpoint of perpetual and universal cultivation toward liberation, any restriction is a kind of grasping. The goal of a practitioner is ultimate liberation from transmigration in life-and-death. As long as it is beneficial to advancement toward this goal, one should try to learn from all possible sources, never regress until full enlightenment. Written in Chinese and translated on July 16, 2000 [Home][Back to list][Learning through Attendance] |