上師易呼難聽從,一言違逆便失蹤。 跋 修密年久,世人往往順口即呼為「上師」。然而勸告之言,大多難以接受。往往一言違逆,即失音訊。其實,真正修密之行者對具德之上師應常隨學、服侍,方可能領到加持,得到詳盡之開示,而有望成證,以濟眾生。 一九九八年九月廿四日
----- Original Message ----- Six files containing the calligraphy and their originals are attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang Blessed Ones are Few Yutang Lin Addressing as "Guru" is easy but listening to is hard; Comments: After having practiced Tantra for years, one is often conveniently called by worldly people as "Guru." However, advices given are mostly hard to be accepted. Often one word disagreeable would lead to disappearance forever. In fact, a real practitioner of Tantra should serve and learn from a virtuous Guru by constant attendance. Only then could it be possible for the student to receive the blessings of the lineage as transmitted through the Guru, and to understand thoroughly the fine instructions in details. Thereby it could be expected that realization of attainment will be achieved to help salvage sentient beings. Written in Chinese: September 24, 1998 [Home][Back to list][Blessed Ones are Few] |