羅漢降臨 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 一念護師迎聖眾,羅漢手珠忽呈現; 跋 弟子勤成在此次大陸弘法途中多次提請我注意,讓弟子眾常念〈迎請十六大阿羅漢護教略儀〉,以祈請諸佛化現之羅漢聖眾(依藏傳為十六尊,漢傳則為十八尊),「加持上師身壽康法流永,聖教旌旗廣佈民物殷」。 彼言猶在耳,到了廣州即有弟子偉健獻上十八羅漢手珠,是玻璃珠內含尊者像,並加上釋迦佛珠及觀音佛珠安於兩頭,而兩珠間各分佈羅漢九尊於兩側。此乃偉健尚未信佛前即有緣遇得者,久藏箱中,而於近日方再翻遇。 勤成又見一位海居士手持金色折扇,一面為鄭板橋之「難得糊塗」題字,另一面則為十八羅漢群像之國畫。勤成欲請一把以贈余;海居士大量,即以之託彼代贈余。 未經安排,忽然兩件相關的法寶一起降臨,足供余右手持珠念佛,而左手輕搖寶扇,享受陣陣佛風,做一個對世事「難得糊塗」之行者。 勤成一念護師護法,立即感得聖眾以此等方便示現降臨加持,余感恩之餘,謹記殊勝緣起之前後以誌恩,更以勸進敬信眾。
-----Original Message----- Two new works attached. Accompanying them is a photo taken today to show the two Dharma treasures mentioned in the article. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang Arhats Arrived Yutang Lin One thought of welcoming holy ones to protect the Guru Comments: During my recent trip in China disciple Qin Cheng suggested to me several times to let lineage disciples recite often the Ritual of Welcoming Sixteen Great Arhats to Protect the Holy Teachings (as composed by the 13th Dalai Lama) to supplicate to the holy Arhats (sixteen in number according to the Tibetan tradition, and eighteen according to the Chinese tradition), who are transformations of Buddhas, for their "blessings on Guru's good health and longevity, everlasting of the Dharma lineage, pronounced wide-spreading of holy teachings, and abundance of people and products" (quoting a repetitive prayer from the ritual). While her words still rung in the ears, when we reached Guang Zhou disciple Wei Jian, who was unaware of Qin Cheng's suggestions, offered me an eighteen-Arhat hand-mala (short string of prayer beads) that consists of glass-beads containing images of the Arhats inside, and in addition there are one such bead of Sakyamuni Buddha and one of Guan Yin arranged on two ends of a diameter, while on each side of these two beads nine beads of Arhats are strung. Wei Jian happened to meet and purchased this mala even before he became a Buddhist, and it had been stored away in some boxes for years, only very recently had he happened to rediscover it. A few days later Qin Cheng saw an Upasaka Hai holding a golden color paper fan that can be folded. On one side of the fan is a famous calligraphy "Nan De Hu Tu" (Rare to be muddle-headed) by Zheng Ban Qiao (a famous scholar of the Qing Dynasty), and on the other side is a Chinese brush-painting of the eighteen Arhats. Qin Cheng inquired about it so as to get one for me. Upasaka Hai was very generous; he immediately asked her to offer on his behalf the one he held to me. Without prearrangements, suddenly two relevant Dharma treasures arrived together. Sufficient for me to hold the mala in my right hand for chanting Amitabha, while waving gently the precious fan with my left hand to enjoy breeze after breeze of Buddhas' blessing winds, and thus playing the role of a practitioner who is "rare in being muddle-headed" to worldly matters. Qin Cheng's one thought of protecting the Guru and the Dharma immediately inspired the holy Arhats to display their blessing arrival through such convenient ways. In addition to being grateful, I carefully recorded the superior blessed events chronologically to commemorate such grace, and furthermore, using this to urge respectful and faithful ones to advance further on the Dharma path.
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