嫌怨只計他人過,積壓引爆事端生; 跋 計較嫌怨,只見他過,不知自偏。日積月累,極易爆發,而生忿恨衝突。何若轉念惜緣,數其優點,憶彼恩情,從而息去心中諍論。相處終歸短暫,最久也只一生;不鑽牛角尖,彼此皆輕鬆!
Stop Criticizing to Recognize Merits ----- Original Message ----- As requested by a disciple two poems are now in calligraphy. Four files attached. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang Stop Criticizing to Recognize Merits Yutang Lin Criticism and complains count only others' faults; Comment: Criticism and complains see only other's faults without realizing one's own prejudices. Accumulating over days and months tension could easily evolve into hatred and conflicts. Instead, one could switch attention to appreciation of the opportunity to be working together or living close, and thereby count the blessings and merits, and recall the kindness and help received. Thus cease the incessant arguments and sorrows in one's mind. Being together is eventually short-lived; at most it will last but a lifetime. Not being preoccupied with running toward the end of a blind alley, all would feel much at ease.
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