西元一九九二年(民國八十一年)在家枯候台灣居留簽證為期頗久。九月下旬,旅美 林鈺堂居士賜寄其手書後製版以黃紙紅字印就之「南無阿彌陀佛」聖號符一疊,並云:「夢中遇女鬼,手書佛號即隱去,故此聖號符宜焚化以助亡者。」
是年年底某日,晚飯後身睏欲眠,便上樓小睡,恰好望見窗外印度人墳場上燭光遍佈,螢螢千盞,蔚為燈海,才想到原來隔天是印度人的節日——Deepavali (屠妖節,亦為印人新年)。他們印度人依俗在前一天黃昏,日將西沉時到先亡親人墳前獻花點燈,供養追思。我對此風俗甚為讚美,當時就起念道::「一切眾生皆是我過去父母,我應當在這特別及有好緣起的時刻,為你們尸林住客修「頗瓦」,使你們除了享有世俗親眷之祭祀外,也能夠得到出世的殊勝利益,至少也結個解脫之緣。待會我小睡醒,精神飽滿時,即刻為你們修法。」
陳上師曾說:「鬼,他有鬼通,有些事情,我們人不知道的,鬼呢,他可以知道。」 林鈺堂居士繼承 陳上師遺志,出離專修有成,大悲利他,廣興各種法務,超幽亦也無數,因此一紙手澤也能夠惠及幽冥,無遠弗屆,感得萬里之遙的馬來西亞印度鬼群,同聲而求。我因起一絲微末利他悲心而引來的這個雖膚淺不足道,但饒有趣味的夢兆冥應,豈只是巧合而已呢!
今年七月 鈺堂兄馬來西亞弘法圓滿後,回台省親,我前往呈獻拙作「金剛法印」( 鈺堂兄設計)。茶談間 鈺堂兄暢談大馬之旅,並提及曾到寒舍後面之墳場超幽;又向我要張宣紙以寫佛號送人。因此二事勾起記憶,乃道及此夢, 鈺堂兄遂命我記之。
陳祥耀 誌於台灣
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Blessing of Protection
Yutang Lin
Through Buddha and Protector Wei Tuo's blessing copies of one photo and two mantra sheets have conveyed protection to many people. In this short article a brief explanation is given so that more people will benefit from their use.
I. The Mantra Sheet of "Namo Amitabha Buddha"
Once in a dream I saw a female ghost, and I wrote with my hand the six Chinese characters meaning "Namo Amitabha Buddha" in the space toward her. She disappeared immediately and blue sky appeared. I figured from that experience that my writing of this holy epithet could help ghosts to attain liberation. So I wrote it and had it printed in red ink on yellow sheets. One thousand copies were printed for free distribution. Many inspirational results had occurred through their uses. I have collected some of the reports into a booklet in Chinese. Since then tens of thousands of this mantra sheet have been printed for free distribution. The main function of this mantra sheet is to help deceased beings and ghosts to attain liberation or gain rebirth in Pureland. The way to use it is to burn a few sheets with the intention to benefit all deceased beings that are around and need it, including the special ones that one has in mind such as a deceased friend, relative or someone whose passing away has come into one's attention. This mantra sheet can also help ghosts that are haunting people or places to become liberated. It can also bestow blessing when it is framed and placed on an altar or hanged on a wall. One can also make prostration to it to receive blessing.
II. The Photo of the Giving of Fearlessness
There is already an article describing in detail the origination of this photo. Please read my article, "The Photo of the Giving of Fearlessness." It is enough to say briefly here that it was done according to the instruction of an inspirational experience in which the golden body of Protector Wei Tuo appeared. The main function of this photo is to give Protector Wei Tuo's protection from disturbances caused by ghosts. In addition, one can carry it as an amulet, or carry it in a car, such as hanging below the rear-view mirror, for traffic safety. When it is framed and placed in a room, it will protect the whole house.
III. The Mantra Sheet of "Om Mani Pedme Hong"
Once in a dream I saw this sheet appeared vertically in space even though it was not made and I did not have any idea of making it. In the dream I recognized that it was my own writing of the "Om Mani Pedme Hong" mantra of Guan Yin in six Chinese characters. The sheet started to burn from below. When the sheet was completely burned down a small statue of Protector Wei Tuo appeared. I understood it as the blessing from Protector Wei Tuo that I should make this mantra sheet available for people to use.When people have small worldly problems, they can simply burn this mantra sheet to ask for help, and Bodhisattva Wei Tuo will grant his blessings to such matters so that people don't need to come take up my time and attention. Tens of thousands of this sheet have been distributed freely and I got responses from people thanking me for its wonderful help. After several years of its distribution, I saw in a dream that it should be venerated on the altar. Hence I have framed it and put it up on the wall of my altar room.
Some people who had experienced the benefits of the above mentioned sacred objects had asked me to give permission for them to make copies on their own for free distribution to benefit more beings. As long as the intention is pure and the copies are freely distributed such copies will carry the same blessings as obtained directly from me.
March 13, 2002
El Cerrito, California
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