思卿 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體仿〈思君〉之作卿在地球東 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Thinking of You (female) ----- Original Message ----- As requested by some disciples two new poems are in calligraphy. May all beings attain Enlightenment soon! Yutang 思君 宋.李之儀 我住長江頭 跋 朝佛途中唱〈思君〉曲,而忘末句。學佛者不可因忘而死於無語,故自補「形雖分,心不離」語。後蒙曉艷上網覓得原詞。今夜靈感而有此仿作。用「在」而不用「住」,因一切無常,安知下一刻又在何方?「此念無期休」,因思之切,則不因會面而止也。原詞以「願」,則為單思。此作以「知」,表相思,故心不離! 二○○七年十月八日 Thinking of You (female)Imitating the lyric of "Thinking of You (male)," a popular Chinese songYutang LinYou, at east of the globe When will this separation be closed? Just knowing your mind is the same as mine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thinking of You (male)Li Zhi Yi of Song Dynasty I live by the source of Yangzi River When will this river stop flowing? Only wishing that your mind is similar to mine Comments: During the pilgrimage trip in China I sang the "Thinking of You (male)" song but I forgot the very last sentence. A Dharma practitioner should not remain dead in speechlessness when words are forgotten, so I made up "Xing Sui Fen, Xin Bu Li" (Although separated physically, our hearts remain inseparable). Later Xiao Yan looked it up on-line and found the original words. Tonight an inspiration came, so I composed this imitation. I used "at" instead of "live" because all things are impermanent, how do we know where we will be at the next moment? "This longing will never end" because when the longing is tense then it will not cease even when we meet. The original lyric used "wishing" indicated that it was a longing on one side. This lyric used "knowing" to indicate that the longing is mutual, and hence hearts inseparable. Written in Chinese and translated on October 8, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Thinking of You (female)] |