小異爭高下,渾然忘大同; 跋 世間熱衷競逐高下處,局外觀之率皆小異而已。凡屬有情大同之老、病、死, 二○○六年十二月四日
----- Original Message ----- Four more sets attached as requested by "Four Four." Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang F1355 終極考驗 P1117 Ultimate Trial Much in Common Yutang Lin Quarreling over minor differences
for superiority or inferiority, Comments: Where people in the world are ardently competing for superiority or inferiority, viewed from outside the arena are mostly only minor differences. What are much in common to all sentient beings, such as senility, illnesses and death, are often even put out of their minds. Matters ahead that are sure to come are not prepared for, and yet situations that are bound to evolve and change are desperately contrived to build up. Suffering born of delusion, could this be the description? Written in Chinese and translated on December 4, 2006 [Home][Back to list][Much in Common] |