浮漚 林鈺堂 圓明漂流一氣撐,隨遇映現一時景, 跋 水上浮漚,只賴一口氣維繫,不由自主飄流,而映現所遇風光。雖圓明亮麗,奈何極為脆薄,稍值橫逆,轉瞬消滅,比諸人生,毋乃太似! 二○○二年六月廿三日
Calligraphy by Dr. Lin
Calligraphy by Dr. Lin's wife ----- Original Message ----- Disciple Min Rong Rong suggested my Bodhi Vows; she said that when she first read it she was shaken by the great vows. The other two poems were suggested by my wife; both of us like
these two poems. Three files containing the calligraphies are attached. Detong, let me know the file names containing them, so I can
change the file names of these jpg files to C####.
Yutang Bubbles Yutang Lin Round and clear, drifting on the lift of one puff of air, Comments: Bubbles on waters are sustained by only one puff of air. They drift beyond their own control, and reflect scenes along the flow. Even though round, transparent and pretty, nevertheless, they are very fragile. An abrupt encounter with some minor hindrance would bring them instant extinction. When compared with human lives, wouldn't you agree that they are all too similar?
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