風來波動生漣漪,圈圈交涉幻網織; 跋 放眼法界之深遠無限,世事誠微渺。奈何一般皆隨世間情勢而波動不已,更陷於自我之小圈內,旋繞不止。依佛法修行,可使心境遠離世事之糾纏,恢復清明、寧靜,而得以醒悟法界之無限開闊,以及世事之無常,不足計較。於此覺悟之心地中,再藉日常生活之行止,來展現法界一體之智悲融通。如此,則人生不僅是經過淨化,更昇華為菩提行願矣! 二○○○年十一月十六日
----- Original Message ----- Disciple Min Rong Rong suggested my Bodhi Vows; she said that when she first read it she was shaken by the great vows. The other two poems were suggested by my wife; both of us like
these two poems. Three files containing the calligraphies are attached. Detong, let me know the file names containing them, so I can
change the file names of these jpg files to C####. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang Ripples Yutang Lin Wind comes, waves swing, ripples are there; Comments: In view of the limitless depth and breadth of Dharmadhatu worldly affairs are indeed of minor significance. Nevertheless, most people are floating up and down the rapids of worldly circumstances, and even trapped circling within the tiny maze of self-centeredness. Living one's life in accordance with Buddhist principles and cultivating Dharma practices would enable the mind to stay away from worldly entanglements. Furthermore, the mind would gradually resume its natural clarity and tranquility. Then one would realize the limitless openness of the Dharmadhatu and the transient nature of worldly affairs. From such awareness one would then convey the wisdom and compassion of limitless oneness through actions and inaction in daily life. Thus, life is not just purified but also sublimated into activities based on Bodhicitta vows. Written in Chinese and translated on November 16, 2000 [Home][Back to list][Ripples] |