好惡 林鈺堂 自樹一格難遷就,解脫道上罣礙多; 跋 學佛者凡事皆應著眼於菩提上,只問如何究竟利益一切眾生,而不計及個人之好惡、得失。斤斤於個人之好惡,即已忘失菩提大業矣。
Likes and Dislikes ----- Original Message ----- As requested by you-know-who I had written you-know-what into calligraphy.
Likes and Dislikes Yutang Lin Special styles chosen, renders adjustment impossible; Comment: A being aiming at enlightenment should consider all matters from the Bodhi point of view. Ask not how personal likes and dislikes, gains and losses would be affected; but ask only how to ultimately benefit all sentient beings. While haggling over personal likes and dislikes the Bodhi matters are already forgotten.
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