回顧方知 林鈺堂 前程難卜摸索中,期盼希求每落空; 跋 前程難卜。一般人之期盼、希求往往不合因果而不自覺,因此每每落空。信賴佛陀之加被,循佛法教示而致力於消業培福,修習去執包容,至於際遇則不期求。事後回顧,方知已蒙佛佑而得意想不到之妥善安排。因此,久修者往往勸勉初學:遇事不用擔心,自己好好修,把結果交給佛、菩薩安排。 二○○一年十月十九日
Learned Afterwards From: Yutang Lin
From: Hao Wang Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 4:58 PM To: Yutang Lin Subject: 詩作書法提請 上師: 感恩上師! Regards! Hao Learned Afterwards Yutang Lin Groping into the future unpredictable, Comment: One's future is hardly predictable. Ordinarily people's expectations and wishes are often not in accordance with their karmic dues and merits, and yet they are not aware of such discrepancy. Consequently people are disappointed often enough. Believing in Buddha's blessing one endeavors to engage in activities that would reduce karmic debts and increase merits in accordance with the Buddhist teachings, and practices tolerance of others and renunciation of attachments. As to what will happen to one's situation, one does not harbor expectations or wishes. In this way later when one reflected on what had happened one would then realize that Buddha had already helped provided the best possible arrangement that one could not have foreseen. That is the reason why experienced practitioners would often encourage novices by saying, "When something happens, don't worry. Devote yourself to practices, and leave the consequences in the hands of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas."
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