運轉推恩 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體親蒙加持知光力,奉獻身心欲推恩; 跋 廿五年前開始讀佛書、修念佛以來,蒙師恩、佛恩加持不斷,曾多次感受加持之光明及力量臨身,故知佛法真實不虛。一心欲使眾生咸得領受此類深恩,因此奉獻今生於佛法之修持及弘傳。自己稍有體會皆記載公佈,以供佛友大眾參考。義務從事種種法務,將所有的供施都呈獻給佛及眾生。火供、獻瓶是上供;放生、超幽、印贈佛書、佛像是供眾。其間之運轉全賴一片菩提心。如此推恩庶幾無負陳師之教示:「於佛前報眾生恩,於眾生前報佛恩」。
Spreading Blessings through Transportation ----- Original Message ----- Calligraphy files and original files attached. Yutang
Spreading Blessings through Transportation Spreading Blessings through Transportation Yutang LinPersonally experienced blessings of light and force, Comment: Since I began to read Buddhist books and practice chanting "Amitabha" 25 years ago, the blessing of Guru and Buddha has never ceased. Many times have I experienced blessings in the form of light and force, thus I understand that Buddha Dharma is not vain words. With sincere wish for all sentient beings to receive such deep blessings I am dedicating my life to the practice and propagation of the Dharma. Whatever appreciation and understanding of the teachings I have gained is put down in writing for the public to share. Voluntarily engaging in many kinds of Dharma services so that all offerings received are presented to Buddhas and sentient beings. Fire pujas and vase offerings are for the holy beings; releasing lives, Powa service, free distribution of Buddhist books and images are for sentient beings. The transportation of offerings to them is based on Bodhicitta. The blessings are spread in these ways lest I be unworthy of the teaching of Yogi Chen that one should "repay the kindness of sentient beings to Buddhas, and repay the kindness of Buddhas to sentient beings."
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