蒙恩夢境朝尊顏,彈指全身轉銀白, 跋 嘗於夢境得見天王,彼一擊鼓,全身頓時轉化為銀白色,余即頂禮之。願蒙護佑不斷,而得以隨緣普利一切有情。 一九九八年十月廿一日
Praise to the Eastern Heavenly King ----- Original Message ----- From: Yutang Lin To: Dharma Friends Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:05 AM Subject: Four More:慈忍耶穌讚、藥師琉琉光如來啟請頌、毗沙門天王讚、東方天王讚 Calligraphy and requests, including original works, are attached. Attain Enlightenment Soon! Yutang From: Detong Praise to the Eastern Heavenly King Yutang Lin Granted me the rare opportunity to see you in dream state; Comment: Once I was blessed to see the Eastern Heavenly King in dream state. He struck a drum, and at once his whole body and outfit turned into silver white. Then I made prostrations to him. May his blessings abide constantly so that the propagation of the Dharma may benefit sentient beings at all occasions. Written in Chinese: October 21, 1998 [Home][Back to list][Praise to the Eastern Heavenly King] |