148 Chenian Activities in Photographs
Under the guidance of the Buddhist Yogi C. M. Chen
Edited by Dr. Yutang Lin
1. The altar of the God of Wealth at fire sacrifice.
2. Offering the fire of Great Pleasure.
3. Releasing pigeons in the Golden Gate Park of
San Francisco.
4. Releasing turtles in front of the Golden Gate Pavilion.
5. Releasing turtles into Stow Lake of Golden Gate Park.
6. Giving lectures in the Great Enlightenment Temple of New York.
7. The audience of Chenian lectures given
in Vancouver, Canada.
8. The Buddhist Association of America welcomes
Yogi Chen for his lectures.
9. Giving lectures at the Kagyu Center of Hong Kong.
10. One of the hosts of Yogi Chen's lecture tours to Taiwan--The Hsian-Kuon Temple of Chia-Yi.
11. Arranging the offerings at a fire sacrifice.
12. Performing a fire sacrifice at Adi-Buddha Mandala.
13. Offering the fire of Great Pleasure.
14. Praying for the dead in Yang-Ming Mt. Cemetery of Taipei, Taiwan.
15. Offering precious vases to the Dragon King
at Timber Cove, California.
16. Praying for the dead in Oak Hill Cemetery of
San Jose, California.
17. Feeding peacocks in Oak Hill Cemetery of San Jose.
18. Presenting a statue of Buddha in his apartment
to Mr. and Mrs. Sheen.
19. Giving a lecture in his apartment to the Ladle Family.
20. Releasing 60,000 fish in Hong Kong.
21. Releasing three boat-full of fish that total 60,000
in number in Hong Kong.
22. Releasing turtles and feeding pigeons
in Golden Gate Park.
23. Setting pigeons free in Golden Gate Park.
24. Offering praises during a fire sacrifice.
25. Under the guidance of Yogi Chen, Yutang Lin offers
a smoke sacrifice.
26. Meditating in front of the Great Fall in Golden Gate Park.
27. Releasing pigeons and turtles at Stow Lake
in Golden Gate Park.
28. Praying for the dead in a cemetery in Colma, California.
29. Under Yogi Chen's guidance, Yutang Lin meditates
at Timber Cove, California.
30. Praying for the dead in a Chinese Cemetery
south of San Francisco.
31. Praying for the dead in a Chinese Cemetery
south of San Francisco.
32. The Five-Wheel Pagoda erected on Gold Mountain,
in Jin-Shan, Taiwan, under the guidance of Yogi Chen.
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