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Miscarriages also Need Powa








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Miscarriages also Need Powa


A Dharma friend wrote me to ask for Powa service for her fetuses lost in miscarriages while she was young. She wrote, even though she is a Buddhist and believes in the need to accumulate merits for deceased beings so as to help them gain rebirth in Pureland; however, she never considered miscarriages as her own fault, and hence she never thought of accumulating merits for those deceased fetuses. Recently, she met someone who can notice supernatural phenomena, and what was said about her situations was in line with facts, and hence she realized the need to do this request for Powa.

Fetuses died in miscarriages have no intention to cause problems for their parents. However, they do need others to accumulate merits on their behalves so as to attain transcendence from Samsara, and yet they cannot arbitrarily seek help from anyone. They can only seek help from beings who are karmically related to them. Hence, they cause many hindrances in attempts to gain attention from their parents who are karmically well-connected to them. When the parents need to seek help from many sources, they will eventually find out the root of the problems, and then they will accumulate merits for the fetuses.

May this explanation help people who went through miscarriages to find the right solution sooner, and hence gain peace of mind and body sooner!

Powa Service: http://www.originalpurity.org/powa_e.html


July 24, 2018
El Cerrito, California



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