金剛上師林鈺堂瑜伽士開示錄簡繁轉換 - 繁體如何敬獻供品及取下供過的供品?解某弟子之請問一弟子的母親認為其直接將供品放在供桌上以及供過後又直接就取下的行徑是很不如法,並且也是對佛很不恭敬…等等,因為有人告訴她放供品及取供品時,都要很恭敬的上香獻供,取下時亦要上香稟報後才能取下,這樣才如法如儀,因此向林博士請示相關的問題並得其開示如下: 問:將供品直接就放在供桌上,沒有上香就代表不恭敬嗎? 答:Wrong. It is fine to just put it there, but say Weng A Hong at the same time. 問:取下來時,若沒有上香跟佛稟報一聲就取下,也不如法嗎? 答:Wrong. It is fine to take it, but say Weng Ban Zha Sa Duo Hong A at the same time to repent, in case Buddha is still using it. 答:Fine. But now you know, so you will say it. Also, at the end of the day while you are collecting the offering water you say this mantra. 二○○六年四月十五日開示 [Home][Back to list][Chinese versions Only] |