蓮師示現  林鈺堂  簡繁轉換 - 繁體





養和齋   於加州



Lotus Guru Presence

Yutang Lin


This morning right before I woke up at 6:30, in a dream I saw myself in the altar room at home. On the main side of the room there was a huge Thangka hanging on the wall, and from the top of the Thangka where the hanging ornamental fabric was, I pulled out a long vertical roll of Thangka. From inside this roll, the top portion of the head of Lotus Guru emerged, and then, like a stream of air, it swiftly flew over to the opposite side of the room and lay there. Gradually and rapidly the whole body of Lotus Guru appeared. There were a few other people in the altar room, but none of them approached to seek blessings, while some even seemed cautious. Soon afterwards, the body of Lotus Guru began to disappear gradually and rapidly. I prostrated to Lotus Guru′s body, and at the same time said: Sentient beings lack merits. Lotus Guru already disappeared to showing only the middle portion of his face, and he said to me: You don′t need to say like this.

In 2007, while at Wu Tai Shan (Mount Five Plateau), I was blessed with the presence of Lotus Guru appearing as a baby; at that time, I was 60 years old. Now I was blessed with the presence of Lotus Guru appearing in his usual image in Thangkas; and I am 77 years old. In this dream, I witnessed that the appearance and disappearance of his rainbow body are both gradually and rapidly.


Written in Chinese and translated into English, during the 4-Dragon time, on May 4, 2024
El Cerrito, California