待其自悟 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體
「一心念佛,接引往生」是說,行者努力不懈,終究得蒙佛力加被。「啐啄同時」是說,弟子機緣成熟,師傅一指點,就大徹大悟。這些佛法裡的成語都指出得領加持的重要。可是,佛法裡也有「待其自悟」的說法,則是指出,根本上,開悟要待個人自心的覺醒;機緣未成熟時,無可勉強,也急不得。 這個道理,從平常的修習中,也可領會。例如,溜冰、游泳、騎自行車、等等,總是在旁人放手,由學者自己經過不斷地修習、摸索之後,纔能真正學會。同樣的,佛法的開悟,也是不能老靠旁人提醒、指點,終究要靠行者自己不斷地在覺道上努力,纔能從業障及聞思惑的幻網中,脫困而出。 因此,師傅的教導,包括不加指點、不於說破;因為讓弟子自行從幻妄中掙脫,也是修行與成長的必經過程。尤其是果德的體驗,說出來,往往反倒增添學者的想像與執著。希望此作,能幫助行者了悟,自己不斷努力修行的重要——這是終究能得開悟的根本。 今天想到這個題目,先上網查看,纔發現也曾對此題目作文,可供參閱;見:
Waiting for Their Self-awakening Yutang Lin
″Single-mindedly repeating ′Amitabha′, being guided to rebirth in Pureland″ refers to practitioners who endeavors on the practice without negligence, and eventually obtains blessing from Buddha. ″Spitting and pecking concurrently″ refers to events when a disciple is mature enough to be ready for full enlightenment, and upon certain indication from Guru, the disciple attains full enlightenment. All these familiar expressions in Dharma indicate the importance of receiving blessings from accomplished ones. However, in Dharma there is also the saying, ″waiting for their self-awakening″, and it indicates that, fundamentally, full enlightenment needs to wait for the awakening of one′s mind; when opportune conditions are not ready, no way to compel its fruition, and no way to hurry or hasten its attainment. Hence, Guru′s guidance includes no indication and no explicit explanation, because allowing disciples to struggle through illusions and delusions on their own is a necessary process during Dharma practices and growth in spiritual maturity. Especially in the case of revealing experiences in enlightening attainments, when revealed in words, often it leads to the contrary result of increasing learners′ imagination and grasping. May this short essay help practitioners to comprehend the importance of their own relentless endeavors in Dharma practices and activities—it is the root and foundation of their eventual attainment of full enlightenment. Today I thought of writing on this topic, so I check it over the internet, and found out that I had written an essay on it in the past, and that work may serve as a reference; see:
Written in Chinese and translated into English on January 6, 2020 [Home][Back to list] |