普賢菩薩讚 林鈺堂
簡繁轉換 - 繁體
禮敬諸佛普賢身 稱讚如來普賢語
廣修供養普賢福 懺悔業障普賢誠
隨喜功德普賢惠 請轉法輪普賢念
請佛住世普賢慈 常隨佛學普賢謙
恆順眾生普賢恩 普皆迴向普賢德
塵即法界普賢智 爆破時空普賢體
觀音慈悲普賢願 文殊智慧普賢巧
勢至大力普賢能 萬德圓融普賢行
養和齋 於加州
Praise to Samantabhadra Bodhisattva
Yutang Lin
Homage to all Buddhas, Samantabhadra′s activity
Praising Tathagata, Samantabhadra′s speech
Extensively conducting offerings, Samantabhadra′s merits
Repenting karmic hindrances, Samantabhadra′s sincerity
Rejoicing in all meritorious deeds, Samantabhadra′s generosity
Pleading for Turning the Wheel of Dharma, Samantabhadra′s intention
Pleading to Buddhas for their staying in this world, Samantabhadra′s mercy
Constantly learning from Buddha, Samantabhadra′s humbleness
Always accommodating to sentient beings, Samantabhadra′s grace
Universal dedication of merits to all beings, Samantabhadra′s virtue
Recognizing a dust as identical to the Dharmadhatu, Samantabhadra′s wisdom
Exploding away spatial and temporal limitations, Samantabhadra′s unity
Compassion of Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra′s vows
Wisdom of Manjusri, Samantabhadra′s skills
Great might of Mahasthamaprapta, Samantabhadra′s capacity
Myriads of merits harmonized into oneness, Samantabhadra′s salvation activities
Written in Chinese and translated into English on December 19, 2019
El Cerrito, California
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