心無罣礙 林鈺堂 〈心經〉中指出:菩提薩埵,依般若波羅蜜多故,心無罣礙。可見「心無罣礙」是菩薩證入的境界。 做為一介凡夫的我們,難以達到「無罣礙」的心境,卻不妨企及菩薩的安逸,而在日常生活中修習如何居心及行止,以便減免心中無謂、無用及無益的種種牽掛。 修行便是將佛理付諸實踐,然後從實行中領會失敗的教訓,以便再次面臨類似考驗時的改進。希望佛門同修大眾,能朝著「心無罣礙」來努力修行,而漸漸地領受不斷的法益。
Mind without Attachments Yutang Lin
It is stated in the Heart Sutra: Since there is no attainment, by sublimation through Transcendent Wisdom, a Bodhisattva's mind has no attachment. Thus, we see that ″Mind without Attachments″ is a state realized by Bodhisattvas. As ordinary folks, we could hardly attain a state of mind which is ″free from attachments″; nevertheless, that would not prevent us from aspiring toward the peace and ease of Bodhisattvas, and practicing in daily life on how to sustain intentions and conduct our speeches and behaviors so as to reduce or refrain from accumulating senseless, useless and profitless attachments of various sorts in our minds. Practicing Dharma amounts to putting Dharma teachings into actual deeds in daily life, and then learn lessons through failures in deeds so that one may perform better when similar occasions arise again. May all fellow Dharma practitioners aim at attainment of ″Mind without Attachments″ and practice Dharma diligently, and thereby gradually comprehend the incessant benefits of Dharma practices.
Written in Chinese and translated into English on January 11, 2018
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