簡繁轉換 - 繁體
- 陳列供品,唸「嗡 阿 吽」加持之,令變多、變淨、成甘露。
- 觀全法界四聖六凡,一切有情皆現於前。
- 觀全法界所有勝妙供品皆圓攝入所陳供品之內。
- 觀此等供品先呈於諸佛、菩薩、等聖眾前。彼等於受用滿足之後,欣喜此供所含之菩提大心而放光回施,加持所有供品成為能令眾生離苦得樂、早證菩提之上妙甘露。
- 觀以此等甘露普施六道一切眾生,令得滿足。彼等於受用之後,業障清淨,趨入佛道,並能精進不懈、永不退轉。
- 以此圓滿供施功德,迴向一切有情體會一切無常,無可執著,而得意消心開,早證圓滿覺悟。
養和齋 於加州
Simple Ritual for Complete Offerings
Guru Yutang Lin
- Arrange offerings, and then repeat the mantra "Weng A Hong" to bless them, so that they become multiplied in quantity, purified into original purity, and transformed into nectars.
- Visualize that all beings in the whole Dharmadhatu, from the four levels of holiness (Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Pratyekabuddhas and Arhats) to the six realms of worldly beings (heavenly being, Asuras, human beings, animals, hungry ghosts and hell beings), appear in front of the practitioner.
- Visualize that all wondrous and sublime objects of offering are completely absorbed into the offerings that have been arranged in front.
- Visualize that all these offerings are first presented to Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and the rest of the holy beings. After they have enjoyed the offerings to their full contentment, they become delighted by the Bodhicitta that is inherent in this offering, and hence they emit lights as reward, and these lights bless all the offerings into superb wondrous nectars that will enable sentient beings to escape from sufferings, attain happiness and realize full enlightenment soon.
- Visualize that all these nectars are equally offered to all beings in the six realms of transmigration to their full gratification. Having enjoyed them, the sentient beings become purified of their karmic hindrances, engaging in Dharma practices, and they become capable of diligent practices without sagging, and never regress on the enlightenment path.
- Dedicate the merits of this complete offering to all sentient beings, so that they will realize that all are impermanent, and nothing can be hold onto, and consequently their personal intentions fade away and minds become open, and thus soon attain perfect awakening.
This ritual is applicable to all kinds of offerings, without being confined by the details of the particular offerings. If the practitioner can comprehend that the beings who receive offerings, the objects offered and the offerer are all manifestations of limitless oneness, then duality will be transcended, and all will merge into oneness through the original limitlessness of all three parties.
Composed upon request from disciple Ruo Song
February 20, 2013
El Cerrito, California