無空過者 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
悉皆供養承事 無空過者
福緣淺薄 難得遇佛
又何以供養承事 以積功德資糧
幸好 一切眾生本來是佛
則所有有緣遇到 甚至親近的有情
悉皆供養承事 無空過者
修行者應謙虛 恭敬 隨喜善行
隨緣修布施 法施 無畏施
令有緣相遇的 無空過者
養和齋 於加州
Leaving None Unattended
Yutang Lin
In the "Diamond Sutra"
Buddha revealed that in the long past
He met countless Buddhas
All of them he attended and made offerings to
Leaving none unattended
As ordinary folks engaging in Dharma practices
We have only shallow merits and rare opportunities
To encounter even one Buddha
How could we attend Buddhas and serve them
So as to accumulate our meritorious stocks
Since all sentient beings are originally Buddhas
As long as we abide by the teaching of Sakyamuni
To purify our intentions
Then all beings that we encounter or even get close to
May be attended just as we are right in front of a Buddha
And hence we can attend and make offerings
To all of them
Leaving none unattended
Thus transforming all personal causal conditions
Into boundless Dharma conditions
Will enable us to soon accomplish
The accumulation of meritorious stocks
And hence attain the same enlightenment
As Buddha Sakyamuni does
Therefore, in front of all sentient beings
A Dharma practitioner should be humble, respectful
And offer approval to all their benevolent deeds
Also practice giving of materials, teachings, and fearlessness
So that all encountered through some causal conditions
Are served by one in some way
Leaving none unattended
Written in Chinese and translated on December 19, 2012
El Cerrito, California