成見 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
成見存心 遇事便易格格不入 難以轉圜 與人對立 於己不得自在
習性在身 隨境即起偏頗 意欲難捨 事多違心 縱能自見其短 奈何無以自拔
空性即指本來無見 之一體圓融 捨見去習 可藉佛法之修持以漸臻
於成見滔滔之人世中 安住無見之本淨 庶幾得以安渡
養和齋 於加州
Established Views Dr. Yutang Lin
Having established views in mind
As matters arise it becomes easy to get stuck
Difficult to move around and find ways out
One becomes antagonistic to others
While one finds oneself unease
Having habitual tendencies in body
As situations arise so are one's propensities
Desires and inclinations are hard to let go
Matters tend to go against one's wishes
Even if one could see one's shortcomings
Nevertheless it is only futile to try to escape
The teaching of Dharma on selflessness
Points directly to the original state of no views
is in harmonious oneness of all
Renouncing views and unlearning habitual tendencies
Could be gradually achieved through
Engaging devotedly in Dharma practices and
Amid waves of all sorts of established views in
human sphere
Abiding in the original purity that is free from
all views
One might then be able to traverse this life in
Written in Chinese and translated on March 7, 2011
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