玉如意戒子 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體 弟子善喜請老匠人琢開一塊玉石,雕成如意戒面之翡翠戒子。在北京見我時,以之贈祝「吉祥如意」。兩日後他又帶一群佛友由天津來見我。當天清晨,我睡時見手上之玉戒,戒面隆起,形成一兔,然後又消復原狀。同時見一水晶雕成之龍,龍首向我,龍身環繞其首。「玉兔」指月,代表慈悲。前此另一有感應之「壽」戒,乃金質,表金剛智慧。私揣如斯金玉之靈應,莫非隱含智悲圓具之「金玉滿堂」之喻意。因此等感應頗為稀有且殊勝,特為之記。
Jade Wish-fulfilling Ring Yutang Lin Disciple Shan Xi asked an old sculptor to carve open a fist-size jade stone to carve it into a jade ring with its top designed as a Ru Yi, a traditional Chinese object signifying wish-fulfilling. When he came to see me in Bei Jing, he offered it to me with the well-wishing of auspiciously wish-fulfilling. Two days later he brought along a bunch of Buddhists from Tian Jin to visit me. That early morning during sleep I saw the jade ring on my left middle-finger suddenly had its top raised up to form a rabbit, and then shrank back to its original shape. Simultaneously there appeared a crystal dragon with its head facing me and its body circled around its head. In traditional Chinese literature, the term "jade rabbit" is used to indicate the moon, and moon signifies Compassion in Dharma. A few years ago there was another ring that has the Chinese character, Shou (longevity), carved on its top, and it also appeared miraculously in my dream. (See my work Poem1033 Ring of Longevity). That ring is made of gold, and in Dharma gold signifies Vajra Wisdom. I figured, such auspicious inspirations related to gold and jade might have implicit significance of wisdom and compassion in perfect union. Since such inspirational events are rare, I recorded it for all to share. Wish-fulfilling jade ring as offered by disciple Shan Xi
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