觀音性本空 萬籟即響寂 跋 弟子敬行提請以〈觀音普渡〉為題,作詩題字,以充正編輯之同名觀音法門專集之代序。因有此作。
Universal Salvation of Guan Yin ----- Original Message ----- As requested by disciple Jing Xing below, a Chinese new poem had been composed and written in calligraphy.
Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jui khin yeo 尊貴的上師, 弟子請上師以”觀音普渡”四字題寫詩句(墨字),做為”觀音普渡”一書之序文.不知上師慈意如何?謝謝. 另”福智無盡藏”第三回之校對,正在進行中. 法安 敬行頂禮 Universal Salvation of Guan Yin Yutang Lin Observing sounds to realize their blank nature Comment: Disciple Jing Xing requested that I use the title "Universal Salvation of Guan Yin" to compose a poem and then write it in calligraphy so that it may serve as the preface to the book with the same title, and the book is a collection of works on the Guan Yin Dharma Gate that he had edited and it will be published in the near future. So I composed this work.
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