禮敬諸佛簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
一念敬重諸佛,即當下出乎塵慮,而與發育菩提大願相應。一禮諸佛,不論合十、稽首、小禮、大拜、上仰、下跪,皆得暫息俗緣,而起化導歸覺之作用。 諸佛無量,眾生無數,禮佛之際,圓觀聖凡,自然包含十方三世,而融入無限一體。 禮敬在於誠信,不論有相、無相於前,皆可修行。諸佛法身遍一切方所,而無有始終,故眼前有情、無情皆可認定為諸佛法體之示現,而敬禮之。 吾人宿業深重、愚迷障蔽,若能皈命諸佛,一心仰止,日日修行禮敬諸佛,自然於冥冥之中領得佛恩加被,使宿業潛消,業障日減,而福慧逐漸增長。 若能發乎虔敬,更進而修習供養、承事、讚頌、弘法,則消業培福、長養智悲更為迅速,而有望早日圓成佛道,大快佛心,並普及佛恩於一切眾生,無有止盡。 應弟子敬行之請而作 From: Yutang Lin As requested by disciple Jing Xing below, I had written a short article on Homage to All Buddhas.
Yutang -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jui khin yeo 尊貴的上師, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Homage to All Buddhas Yutang Lin "Homage to all Buddhas" centers at reverence toward Bodhicitta. Bodhicitta germinates from thinking about salvation of all sentient beings from transmigration in the suffering Six Realms, and it attains completion through merging into originally pure limitless-oneness. Buddhas are sentient beings that have accomplished Bodhicitta. One thought of reverence to all Buddhas, instantaneously lifts one above worldly considerations, and corresponds with germination and cultivation of the great Bodhi aspiration. One salutation to all Buddhas, be it folding palms together, prostration in small steps or full-length, or a gesture of looking up or kneeling down, instantaneously ceases all worldly connections, and brings about the function of inspiring others to look toward the enlightenment path. Buddhas are immeasurable, sentient beings countless, while saluting all Buddhas, visualize all holy ones as well as the worldly ones together, then all in the ten directions and three times—past, present and future, are naturally embraced, and merged into limitless oneness. Homage through salutation hinges on sincerity and faith. Therefore, whether there is image or not in front, one may practice it. Dharmakaya of all Buddhas is omnipresent and everlasting without beginning, and hence any sentient being or non-sentient object in front may be regarded as an appearance of all Buddhas' Dharmakaya, and venerated as such. Our karmas are heavy and profound, and we are hindered by ignorance and delusions. If we can take refuge in all Buddhas, look up to them whole-heartedly, and daily pay homage to them through salutations, then naturally in ways inconceivable we will receive blessings from them so that our karmic debts will decrease gradually, and karmic hindrances diminish by and by, while merits and wisdom grow step by step. If, born of sincere reverence, we can practice further in making offerings to Buddhas, attending to their well-being, praising them and spreading the Dharma, then reduction of karmic debts, accumulation of merits, and cultivation of wisdom and compassion will speed up, so that it will become hopeful that we will soon accomplish the enlightenment quest and thus bring much joy to Buddhas' minds, and then we will be able to spread Buddhas' blessings to all sentient beings in everlasting ways.
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