救震災度母讚 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體
天旋地搖 上湧下陷 山崩岩落 有情深怖畏
屋倒人亡 路斷糧絕 傷重病危 呼救待向誰
悲憫眾苦 消弭共業 藍光救護 度母息地震
寶杵辟邪 驅散瘟魔 慈力支柱 重建得順利
養和齋 於加州
Praise to Savior of Earth Calamities Tara
Praise to Savior of Earth Calamities Tara
Praise to Savior of Earth Calamities Tara Yutang
Sky swirled and earth shook, sprang up and caved in, mountains fell apart and rocks rolled down, sentient beings were in deep horror and panic
Buildings collapsed and people died, roads broken and foods gone, injuries severe and illness fatal, to whom could one call for help
Compassionate to all beings' sufferings, diminishing the public karma, blue lights extend salvation, Tara pacifies earthquakes
Precious Dorji wards off evils, and disperses devils of epidemics; merciful power as supporting pillars, reconstruction moves forward smooth and fruitfully
Written in Chinese and translated on May 25, 2008
El Cerrito, California
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