江若有泥 黃水滾滾 江若有石 波濤漩澓 江若無魚 空流死水 江有魚游 生機盎然 跋 今年九月九日在陽明山,江有在皈依之列,求法名,即稱為「有魚」,並釋之曰:「江有魚,即為活水。川流不息,教示無常,而能養魚起利生之作用,即佛法所示無執而能活用之榜樣」。彼所求寶瓶又恰為第二九九九號。此號承先啟後以達第三千號,求瓶者又有「江有魚」如此合乎佛法之吉祥名義,令我十分欣喜。第三千號寶瓶已於前日敬獻矣!
River with Fish River with Fish Yutang Lin River with mud River with rocks River without fish River with fish swimming Comments: On September 9th of this year on the Yang Ming Mountain in the outskirt of Taipei, Taiwan Upasika Jiang You (River Having) was among the Buddhists who asked for refuge. She asked for a Dharma name, and I immediately gave her the name "You Yu" (Having Fish), and explained as follows: "Jiang You Yu, River with fish, is water of life. River flows incessantly, and that teaches us about impermanence. Furthermore, it can sustain fish, and that means it is capable of benefiting sentient beings. Thus it serves as an epitome of the Dharma teaching: To be free from grasping and yet capable of lively applications." In addition, the precious vase she requested for offering to the Dragon King happened to be the number 2999th one. This number succeeded the previous ones to reach the number 3000th one, and the vase was requested by a Buddhist with the auspicious name "River with Fish" whose meaning is so much so in accordance with the Dharma, thus I was overjoyed. The number 3000th vase had already been offered to the Dragon King two days ago.
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