關卡 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體 是非輕重因人異,各逢其關便卡住; 跋 學佛退轉者往往皆因心繫瑣事,又陷入自心妄念羅織之中。一經卡住,便難脫出。各擇其途乃因緣如此。吾人唯有經常祝禱佛慧早開,早得出纏而已。 二○○七年四月廿二日 Stuck Yutang Lin Right or wrong, light or heavy, it varies with people. Comment: People who regressed on the Dharma path usually were mindful of trifling and trapped in a web of their own illusive thoughts. Once stuck there, it would be difficult to escape. Each one chooses his or her path; it is only natural and causally so. We can only pray constantly for their sooner enlightenment and emancipation. Written in Chinese and translated on April 22, 2007 [Home][Back to list][Stuck] |