切斷思流 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體 欲供寶石地球儀,思前慮後成猶疑; 跋 弟子榮利想供我一個寶石合成之小地球儀,又考慮東、考慮西,不知是否合宜,而來電郵細述其慎思,問我究竟。我只回:「我要它」。 等東西寄抵此間,才告訴他,其實心中並無要或不要,只是以一句話切斷他的煩惱思,要救他出困。多慮之人連做善事,法上應當之事,都還遲疑。若能不為思縛〈一己之見地亦屬「私」〉,方能活得痛快。 禪宗公案中,禪師之反應,亦當如此領悟;意不在話下,而是一種回應以達救脫而已。如僧問「狗子還有佛性也無?」趙州曰:「無!」 二○○七年三月六日 弟子榮利對此篇的回應: 地球儀這件事情已經是一個月前的事了,我在水晶展銷中看到一個地球儀,我知道師祖和上師都有供地球儀,所以我也想仿他們買一個地球儀供佛。但是一直都沒有機會看到有人賣。既然遇到了,我就馬上將它買回家。 也不知道為什麼會突然間想到,不知上師要不要?但是心裏又希望上師不要。我就是困在這種矛盾的思流中好多天。上師,講真的,我是多麼希望您說不要!但是上師卻說:〝我要它〞。(什麼都不說,電郵只寫:I want it.) 我就儘快寄給上師。沒有幾天,上師在美國收到就回信:〝Thanks. I said I wanted it to cut through your thinking. You think too much before you take action. In Dharma learn to let your intention express freely without much consideration. You will benefit more from doing offerings to Guru than from much consideration.〞(謝謝。我說我要它,以便切斷你的思潮。你在行動前考慮太多了。在佛法裡要學習不多考慮就讓心意自由表達。供養上師比多加考慮對你會更有益。) 我突然間感覺到非常震驚。第一,上師怎會知道我心中的惱事?第二,上師的教導在時機成熟〝一擊即中〞。那時那刻,我所受的衝擊非常大,是無法用語言來形容的。這根本就是禪師教弟子的方法。慚愧的是,我當時沒有馬上開悟!我只能對上師說:〝對不起〞。 上師常常應用他的空性體驗,用種種的文字方便來展現〝淨粹活脫〞的詩句來教導我們。淨是清淨,粹是純粹,活是活潑,脫是解脫的。眾生是善忘的,空性裏的資源無限,所以上師不計厭煩地不停地叮嚀,希望能隨緣地敲醒我們沉睡的心靈。 上師好像經驗豐富的老漁夫,他已經安置好魚網,靜靜地等待這群魚兒慢慢地遊入,然後一網打盡。我平時處事都是顧慮多多。經過上師當頭棒喝後,當自尋煩惱時就自然警惕起來。非常的有效! 上師將地球儀安供在普賢王如來父母聖像前,慈悲地將地球儀轉向古晉這個地方對著聖像以加持我們。此種恩情和仔細不斷垂念加持,我深深感到心中很溫暖。剛好同樣的地球儀還有一個,我就全買下來,將它供在佛前,將地球儀轉向美國一方,祈求佛、菩薩加持我們的上師! 最近,上師作了一篇〈融入〉的詩句,我讀了有許多的感觸。因為我很幸運能和上師相處在一起。雖然日子不長,但是他的身教深深進入我的心中。簡單地說,他的行為和言行都是渾然一體,而不是說一套,做的卻是另一套。將來有機會將我與上師在一起的日子所觀察到的生活點滴和大家一起分享。 因為有親身體驗到上師的身教,所以每每上師的作品我都能瞭解比較深切。雖然尚未能證悟,但多少我可以模仿悟者的行儀和處理俗事的方式。不同的是,悟者是從內到外,我卻是試著從外向內。 榮利 Cutting through the River of Thoughts Yutang Lin Wishing to offer a globe made of gem stones to dear Guru, Comments: Disciple Yong Lee wanted to offer me a small globe made of gem stones. But he considered this and considered that, and thus became hesitant about whether it would be appropriate or not. So he sent me an email explaining all his considerations in detail, and sought my advice on what to do. I simply replied: I want it! After the globe had arrived here, then I told him that, in fact, I did not have intention to have or not to have the offering. I was simply using such a reply to cut through his sorrow of considerations so as to rescue him from such a siege. People who are used to much consideration would become hesitant even in cases of doing good or doing what one should according to the Dharma. If one could be free from the bondage of thoughts (personal views also belong to "self-centered"), only then could one live a life lively. In Chan (Zen) Gong An's (koan) the response of a Chan master should also be comprehended like the above. The intention is not in the words used; it was simply a natural response aiming at rescuing the besieged. For example, a monk asked, "Does a dog have Buddha Nature or not?" Zhao Zhou replied, "No." Written in Chinese and translated on March 6, 2007 ----- Original Message ----- Attain Enlightenment Soon! [Home][Back to list][Cutting through the River of Thoughts] |