萬法性空 林鈺堂
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萬法性空佛早宣,實虛醒夢猶執異; 跋修行多年,依然難盡實虛、醒夢等等分別之細執。回顧感應經歷中之神變境界,在心淨之際華嚴玄門之「小容大」自然出現,例如最近之見自軀內空明亮而密布眾多嬰兒,足徵佛語無虛誑。因此修行者應仔細體會「萬法性空」之教示,而修習於一切境中不起實虛之分別。
All Things of Blank Essence Yutang Lin That all things are of Blank Essence had long
since been expounded by Buddha. Comment:After many years of engaging in Dharma practices I still could not exhaust subtle grasping to the distinctions of reality and illusion, dreaming and awake. As I reflected on supernatural experiences gained during inspirational events, I realized that one of the Mysterious Gates of Hua Yan, known as "small containing large" did occur naturally in a state of pure mind. For example, the recent experience in which I saw the inside of my torso being bright and vacant of other things but fulfilled with many babies. Thus, it indicated that Buddha's words are not vacuous. Therefore, Dharma practitioners should carefully comprehend the teaching that all things are of Blank Essence, and strive to make no distinction of reality and illusion under all circumstances.
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