遍照 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體 無我智光照內外,慈心悲憫無界限; 跋 願學佛大眾咸具無我智,外不見「人相」,內不存「我相」,真正慈憫一切眾生,而不樂著於世間之紛擾,胸無成見,心無所住,坦蕩清平,自然寧靜和樂,而於行止中接引渡化。
Universal Illumination Yutang Lin Wisdom light of Non-self illuminates inner and outer realms. Comment: May all that are on the path toward enlightenment possess the wisdom of Non-self, such that they are not limited by the concept of a person in their dealings with others and have no grasping to a "self" in their minds! May they be genuine in their compassion for all sentient beings, such that they would not linger in worldly trifles and contests! May they sustain no prejudices in their hearts and no abiding in their minds, such that openness and equanimity prevail and lead to a natural joyful harmony in their beings! May they enlighten beings at every opportunity simply through their wholesome daily activities!
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