機緣未具無從導,因緣已盡自然散; 跋 學佛之因緣,淺深、久暫皆因人而異。吾人雖等心欲普益一切,奈何來者之機緣不一,只能隨緣盡心指點而已。見因緣之不易俱足既多,便悟各各之因果絕非眼前一世所決定,而是宿世因緣累積之報現。
Opportunities From: jui khin yeo 尊貴的上師, Opportunities Yutang Lin While opportune conditions had not gathered, no way to advice. Comment: Causal conditions for learning and practicing Dharma, be they shallow or deep, short-lived or long-lasting, vary with individuals. Even though we maintained equal mind in wishing to benefit universally all beings, nevertheless, beings we encountered were of all sorts of opportune conditions, and hence we could only do our best in giving guidance that the situations allowed. As I had seen many cases of difficulty to gather complete conditions for Dharma advancement, I realized that each individual's karmic situation could not have been determined by just the present life, but is rather the presentation of accumulation of karma over many past lives.
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