觀音唐卡 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體


講經弘法之際,欲得觀音加被,因請佛友代覓四臂觀音(藏名音譯:千瑞吉) 之唐卡(畫像卷軸),以便高懸講座之上。經數位佛友之助,請得尼泊爾老畫師之工筆金像。上有彌陀住頂加持及龍鳳環侍左右,前有文殊及持金剛(大勢至) 分居兩側。出乎意料而得悲智力三德圓融之加被,不禁感歎佛恩之淵深及不可思 議!

                     養和齋   於加州

Chenrezi Thangka

Chenrezi Thangka

Chenrezi Thangka

Chenrezi Thangka Yutang Lin

Amitabha atop granting blessing, dragon and phoenix surround,
Compassionate Chenrezi with merciful features and golden hue,
Harmonized three virtues of Wisdom, Compassion and Power,
Spreading the right Dharma far and wide to save beings equally.


In order to receive blessings from Guan Yin during my lectures I asked some Buddhist to look for a Chenrezi (Tibetan name of the Four-arm Avalokitesvara) Thangka (painting scroll) so that I may hang it up high above the lectern. Through the help of several Buddhists we obtained a painting with refined details in golden hue, a work done by a senior Nepali painter. Above the main figure of Chenrezi Amitabha Buddha stays atop to grant blessings, and a pair of dragon and phoenix surrounds on left and right side. In front of Chenrezi there are Manjusri and Vajrapani on left and right side. Unexpectedly we received this Thangka that signifies the blessing of Compassion (Chenrezi), Wisdom (Manjusri) and Power (Vajrapani) in harmonized union; I couldn't help exclaim in awe that Buddha's grace is so profound and beyond comprehension!

Written in Chinese on June 3, 2004
Translated on June 5, 2004
El Cerrito, California

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