有求必應簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
有些人說:「如果我求的實現,我才相信」。這並非在求佛,而是在講條件。這類人並不了解自身是業障所繫的凡夫,需要謙下求佑,才能領受加被。他們似乎以為佛、菩薩是與他們在同一水準的,甚至是需要設法贏得他們的信仰的。這種基本心態上的錯認使得他們無法真正的向佛、菩薩求助。 有些人雖然暫時表現謙卑地向佛、菩薩求助,但是一遇結果不符期望,就立即自以為是地斷言不靈。佛、菩薩加被眾生,循循善誘,目的在於使眾生漸漸修證正等正覺,並且加被扶助的結果也要視被助者原先業障之深淺以及趨佛、信佛的努力程度而定。因此,吾人所求不一定能很快如願達成,但在冥冥之中佛力確實已使結果轉到導入正覺、助成修證的方向。 「有求必應」是說眾生若能虔誠求佑,佛、菩薩大慈大悲、不捨眾生,必然會予回應,而無置之不理的處置。但是遇到眾生出乎私心與愚癡的請求,又不是一時能開導、勸化的,佛、菩薩也可能暫時不予回應,以待求者將來省悟的機緣。因此,即使在令眾生吃閉門羹、摸不著頭緒之際,也蘊含著無限慈憫的回應。 跋 今天供曼達之綠玉項鍊,帶著長方形墜子,前為觀音雕像,後為「有求必應」四字,見之有感,因有此作。
Responding upon SupplicationYutang Lin
Some people said, "If what I prayed for would realize, then I will believe in Buddhas." This is not supplication to Buddhas but bargaining for results. This kind of people do not understand that they themselves are ordinary beings bound by karmic hindrances, and that as such they need to beseech help with humble attitude so as to become suitable for receiving blessings. They seem to assume that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are on the same level with them, or even need to try to win over their faith. This kind of mistaken recognition at the level of fundamental attitude prevented them from really seeking help from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Some people even though temporarily appeared to be humble in beseeching help from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and yet as soon as the result prayed for turned out to be less than their expectation they would immediately declare with self-righteousness that their supplication to Buddhas did not work. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas grant blessings to sentient beings and patiently guide them step by step so that sentient beings would gradually advance on the Dharma path and eventually attain right and full enlightenment. Furthermore, the result of such help and guidance is also affected by the degree of karmic hindrance of the sentient beings helped, and also determined by the degree of efforts made by the sentient beings in approaching the Dharma and having faith in Buddhas. Therefore, what we prayed for may not soon realize to our expectations. However, in sphere beyond our ordinary perception Buddhas' power had indeed helped turn the results to move in the direction of approaching enlightenment and becoming more favorable for Dharma practices. "Responding upon supplication," means that, if sentient beings could ardently supplicate to Buddhas and Bodhisattvas for blessing, then Buddhas and Bodhisattvas out of their great compassion and mercy that left none out would certainly respond, instead of just ignoring the supplications. Nevertheless, in case the supplication of sentient beings is born of selfishness and ignorance, and right then no guidance or persuasion would be feasible, then Buddhas and Bodhisattvas might temporarily refrain from responding, while waiting patiently for suitable juncture and situation to awaken those sentient beings. Thus, even when they seemed to ignore the supplications and leave sentient beings to feel lost in bewilderment; that is a response born of boundless compassion. Epilogue The green jade necklace offered today onto mandala plate has a rectangular pendant. The front of the pendant is a carved image of Guan Yin; on its back is the Chinese phrase of four characters: You Qiu Bi Ying (responding upon supplication). Upon seeing this phrase thoughts arose, and hence I wrote this article.
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