宜興龍壺 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 紫砂藝壺藏潛龍,品茗似聞龍涎香; 跋 數月前佛友在大陸請人代尋得精品紫砂壺以供余品茗,不意所得壺內,底部刻有一龍。當時吾人皆喜出望外,歎為稀有之吉祥。近來彼再訪大陸,方才探得,冶壺之匠師嘗在夢中蒙龍王囑咐,而有此作。余以一介寒微修士而蒙龍王如此殷勤安排、張羅供奉,實非所嘗想望者。豈僅龍緣深深(曾有此題之拙作),更蒙龍恩重重(亦深重,復重層)。
Dragon Teapot Yutang Lin Artistic pot of purple sand contains a hidden Dragon. Comment: A few months ago a Buddhist friend during his trip to China asked his acquaintances there to look for a fine teapot made of purple sand for me to enjoy tea. Unexpectedly, on the bottom inside the pot there is a carved Dragon. We were all overjoyed beyond expectations then, and exclaimed that it was truly a rare and auspicious sign. Recently this friend visited China again, and only then learned that the artist that made the pot had had a dream, in the dream the Dragon King asked him to do so, and that was why there was such a Dragon teapot. As a humble practitioner I have never sustained any expectation that the Dragon King would be so diligent and thoughtful in prompting and arranging for such an extraordinary offering. It is not only profound connections with Dragons (once I wrote a poem on this) but also bathing in layer over layer of heavy Dragon grace.
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