敬法 林鈺堂 傳播簡易稱資訊,由人取捨類報章; 跋 近代資訊傳播便利,佛法作品往往垂手可得,因此亦有將之稱為「訊息」者。若是出售圖利之作,遭人視同報章、雜誌,咎由自取亦無話可說。至於一本佛陀慈懷,免費贈閱之正法論述,則不宜如此稱呼,以免輕慢之嫌。正法得以流傳至今,乃歷代無數大德奉獻身命、辛勤護持之結果。佛弟子思源念恩,宜藉「教示」之類的尊稱以表達對佛法的敬重。
Revere Teachings Yutang Lin Ease of propagation renders some references as information; Comment: In modern age propagation of information has become rather easy and speedy. As a result Buddhist works are often readily available. Consequently, some would call them as information. If those works were for sale or worldly profits, then it would be understandable why they are treated on the same footing as newspapers and magazines. As to Dharma works that are born of Buddha's compassion and distributed for free it would not be appropriate to call them so, so that no misunderstanding of contempt would ensue. That right Dharma is still available today is the result of generations of virtuous patriarchs, practitioners and protectors working diligently to preserve and propagate the teachings at the expense of their lifetime efforts. Buddhists upon remembering the sources and in heartfelt appreciation of the sacrificial blessings should employ respectful terminology such as "teachings", "revelations" to express their reverence for Dharma works.
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