智悲互含 林鈺堂 圓融實際離思議,論述一時若兩端; 跋 智悲可謂一體之兩面,在論述時似乎可分,證入則離於思議。在見解上應正確了解其互含而不可分之理。智見無我,則萬法一體,因而對所有有情皆自然具有慈憫之情。悲非只一般之憐憫,而是憫其輪迴之苦,謀其徹底之超脫,因此必需設法教示無我之智。若能如此了知,方成正見。
附錄: 法界是無限的一體。佛法智悲教授皆溯源於此,而導歸於此。空智照見無我,無我則一切同體,同體則自然生悲,大行濟度。大悲憐憫眾苦,自願服務眾生,容忍眾生,利他乃至忘我,悟入本淨。 在理論上,分析智悲,則各具特色;圓融智悲,則雙向皆通。在實修上,智悲必需平衡發展,體會融通。在證德上,分証則智悲等分,相輔相成,自然相即;圓證則即智即悲,非智非悲。 摘錄自F0612〈智悲圓融—簡介〈大悲波羅蜜多心要〉〉 ----- Original Message ----- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: jui khin yeo Mutually Implied Yutang Lin Reality is in harmony beyond comprehension; Comments: Wisdom and compassion may be regarded as two aspects of one. They seem distinguishable in discussions. Their realization is beyond thoughts and comprehension. At the level of intellectual comprehension one should correctly understand the reasons why they are mutually implied and inseparable. Wisdom sees no self, then all things are in oneness; consequently, there naturally arises a feeling of merciful kindness to all sentient beings. Compassion is not only ordinary sympathy but also empathy for sentient beings' suffering in transmigration and attempting to achieve their ultimate emancipation; therefore, it involves all sorts of attempts to teach the wisdom of comprehending non-self. Only when wisdom and compassion are thus comprehended can it be regarded as the right view.
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