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Mantra Sheet Guan Yin

Yutang Lin

Wei Tuo taught us to use Mani Mantra sheet;
To burn it with devotion to ask for protection.
Image of Guan Yin appeared on the ash sheet,
With merciful face, nectar vase and long robe.


Bodhisattva Wei Tuo once revealed the teaching to me on how to make use of the Mani Mantra sheet written in my calligraphy; whoever burns it with devotion would be blessed by the Bodhisattva's help.

Upasaka Wang of Bei Jing has great faith in this teaching. A week ago he first made earnest prayer and visualization, and rolled the mantra sheet loosely into a cylinder, then burned it to receive the blessing. Unexpectedly, on the ash sheet there appeared an image of Guan Yin in long robe, with a merciful countenance and a nectar vase. He immediately prayed for the face to become more conspicuous so that he could take a photo to spread the inspiration to others. Only a few minutes later the face did become more recognizable. Among the photo files he sent me there was one that is easier to recognize the image, so I wrote this record down and attached the photo with it, with the hope that some people may have the opportunity to witness this miraculous inspiration.

Written in Chinese on April 26, 2003
Translated on April 27, 2003
El Cerrito, California


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